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How to Stop Worrying About Being Robbed or Burgled in 8 Steps

The best way to ease the fear of someone breaking into your house at night or during the day is to adequately protect it. Some home security and personal safety measures are better than others at providing peace of mind and deterring burglars.

Below, we’ll discuss the best ways to protect a property from break-ins and explain how to stop being scared about someone breaking into your house.

1. Learn the facts

Familiarizing yourself with statistics about what actually happens during a break-in allows you to protect yourself properly and ease anxieties about burglary and robbery.

The most important burglary statistics to know are:

  • Up to 60% of burglars won’t target a property with home security cameras
  • A quarter of homes burgled are targeted again up to one week later
  • Over 50% of properties are targeted again within one month
  • 50% of burglaries are committed by someone you know
  • 65% of violent burglaries are committed by someone known to the victim
  • Most reported burglaries (over 60%) occur in residential homes
  • Someone is home for around 30% of burglaries
  • The average burglary lasts just 10 minutes
  • The most common form of violence experienced during a burglary is simple assault, which usually means there’s a threat of violence

2. Use location tracking apps

Robbery, the theft of property by force or threat, is usually carried out on the street. Living in densely populated urban areas puts you at risk.

alfredcircle app screenshots

3. Install home security cameras

Visible cameras are the best option to deter intruders. Most people install exterior cameras over entryways, porches, garages, and driveways.

AlfredCam Plus mounted at the back door.
AlfredCam Plus live feed livingroom.
A living room being monitored by AlfredCam Plus.

4. Close ground-floor windows in home

For example, a laptop, tablet, or phone left by an open window in a ground-floor home office is easy to steal as soon as the occupier leaves the room. Even if the window is shut, advertising your valuables at the window is unwise. 

Monitor your driveway or front yard with a security camera like AlfredCam or AlfredCam Plus.

5. Upgrade vulnerable entry points in the home

Break-ins facilitated through forced entry is rarer than you think. Burglars prefer to slip in quietly without leaving any evidence.

However, in rural areas or when a property is a premeditated target, damage may be caused to vulnerable entry points.

Old doors, single-glazed windows, and old garages are vulnerable points on a property. These can easily be pried open, smashed, or unlocked via a coat hanger.

6. Make friends with the neighbors

Being connected with the community is a great way to stop worrying about being robbed. 

Should a neighbor spot someone loitering around your property when at work or on vacation, they can investigate or notify you.

Having each other’s back provides a sense of relief and ease. 

Aside from the safety aspect, joining a neighborhood watch scheme is a great way to get to know the neighbors.

7. Use zipped bags

When you’re out and about in busy areas, always carry your things in bags with adequate closures, preferably zips. 

While walking around with your handbag open might be more convenient for getting your things out, it also makes theft more convenient.

Likewise, keep phones and other valuables safely inside bags when not in use, and try to avoid carelessly flaunting them in public. 

8. Reach out for help for mental health concerns

While worrying about being robbed is a natural concern, feeling crushed by the fear of someone breaking into your house at night or excessive anxiety over theft may be a sign of harpaxophobia, the irrational fear of being robbed

Following the tips in this article should ease everyday worry about being robbed. But if you find your quality of life significantly affected by the fear of being robbed, discuss your concerns with your doctor or a registered mental health professional. 

They will point you in the right direction as to mental health treatment, like cognitive behavioral therapy or other therapies. If they diagnose a mental health disorder, they may also recommend medication, like antidepressants or antianxiety medications. 


Worrying about a burglary is a normal fear most homeowners have. Having a stranger gain access to your property and root around your personal possessions is violating, after all

To stop worrying about being robbed, take logical steps to protect yourself and your property, like installing home security cameras and visible deterrents. 

If your fear of being robbed dominates your life, help is readily available. Reaching out to a mental health professional can make all the difference in getting back on your feet again.