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Parents, Family Location Tracking You Can Trust Has Arrived

As a parent, there’s nothing more troubling than not knowing where your kids are. 

But this is the age of the smartphone—spare yourself the unwanted anxiety with AlfredCircle, the all-new family locator app from the team behind AlfredCamera.

5 Great Ways for Parents to Use AlfredCircle

There’s plenty of ways for parents to utilize AlfredCircle in their lives, whether that’s to keep an eye on the kids when they’re out at night, or to let them know what time you’re headed home for the day. 

Here’s five of our favorite ways to use AlfredCircle as a parent.

1. Virtual School Run

Enter the address of the school your child attends as a Place, and you’ll get notified as soon as they arrive in the morning and when they leave at the end of the school day. Truancy no more!

2. Evening Escapades

When kids become teenagers, they want to spend more time out at night. This can be difficult for parents to adjust to, especially when those teenagers are still underaged. Use AlfredCircle to stay-in-the-know while also respecting their burgeoning privacy, making that adjustment period a little easier to handle. 

friends posting

3. Mom’s Taxi

Those same kids that are discovering the joys of hanging out with friends at house parties for the first time also want a lift everywhere. With AlfredCircle, it’s easy to locate one another in real-time, so parents can easily pick them up and ferry them to and from the house as needed, keeping them safe at night.

Keeping Your Family Connected, Responsibly

Family location tracking is a useful way to keep everyone connected and feeling safe when exploring the world. To make it more effective, it must be used responsibly. With that in mind, we always recommend that parents gain the consent and compliance of their children first. 

4. Date Night

Parents need a night off every now and then! Stay connected with the kids even when you’re out for the evening by using the live map, and they can rest assured knowing where you are (and vice versa).

5. Leaving Work 

Add your workplace to your Places, and the rest of the family will get notified as soon as you leave—meaning whoever’s at home can put the dinner on so it’s ready for you the second you arrive home!