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Top Tips for Monitoring Your Living Room!

Did you know that Living Rooms ???? are one of the top three locations Alfred users position their devices? In fact, living rooms are the most popular place to observe in the home! 

Places Alfred users put their security cameras most

  1. Living room
  2. Bedroom
  3. Front door

Learn everything you need to know about setting up AlfredCamera in your living room, with essential tips from the experts – other Alfred users!

????Topic for today????

Which places are most effective for observing your living room? Alfred users said the following:

  1. Wall
  2. Window sill
  3. Shelves
  4. TV cabinet
  5. Bookshelves

Why wall or window sill?

  • Windows and walls are high enough to provide a decent vantage point, reducing the need for multiple cameras in one room as well as the chance of it being grabbed.
  • Windows are the farthest point of any room, providing a wider view of the central areas of the property with optimum natural light. Light comes from directly behind the camera instead of in front of it or to the side, thereby reducing the chance of glare or lens flare.

Why shelves?

  • Closer to particular objects to be observed.
  • Eye-level view is useful for monitoring kids or pets.
  • Easier to position the camera devices without mounting to walls.

Other factors to consider when positioning your camera…

  • Distance between your camera devices and the Wi-Fi router.
  • Distance between your camera devices and the objects you want to observe.
  • How natural light sources shift throughout the day.
  • Whether another light source needs to be added to improve clarity.

That wraps up our tips for today. Take time to experiment with the recommended locations to find the perfect spot!